Scent Note: With a fresh floral scent, expertly formulated for low irritation, this is a refined fragrance popular with everyone.
Directions: Sprinkle generously onto the carpet or other textiles, work into fibres with a stiff brush, leave for minimum of 2 hours or overnight if possible. Vacuum the powder away, which will have absorbed any odour whilst leaving in its place the fresh pleasant scent of natural essential oils. The powder is also effective to extend freshness in carpets and textiles. simply scatter lightly as required.
SAFETY: The powder can be disposed via the normal vacuum or dustpan waste, within standard domestic refuse. Generally non-hazardous in normal handling to people or pets, even when used whilst they are in the room. Avoid direct contact with skin and eyes. If eye contamination occurs, wash eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.