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How to clean a mattress after child wets the bed

Has your tot had a nighttime accident? Bedwetting can embarrass and upset your child, leaving you with a tricky mess to tidy up. Luckily, we have the solution to make cleaning the mattress much easier.
Child in grey shorts laying on bed with a wet stain, illustrating night-time bedwetting accidents.

Our little one’s go through a lot of milestones quickly and all this change can be a bit overwhelming, sometimes leading to accidents at night, so what can done?

From nappies to potty training, co sleeping or in their own cot to a grown-up bed, these milestones mean accidents and this is very normal and part of life. It doesn’t make it any easier to deal with as a parent so, having helpful tips to keep that mattress clean and smelling fresh will make things a little simpler. Find out the answers to some common questions.

Can a peed on mattress be saved?

A soiled mattress can definitely be saved with the right products. As long as the fabric is damp, enzymatic cleaners like Bio One™, will get deep down into the fibres. Once there, the naturally activating enzymes can eliminate the bad bacteria which cause stubborn stains and smells. Leaving the solution to sink in gives the enzymes enough time to work and rescue the mattress. In fact, we’ve got a new range of products coming soon that would be perfect for this task. Sign up to our newsletter for updates.

How to clean a mattress after child wets the bed

Step 1: Strip the bed

The faster you act, the less time the urine has to penetrate the mattress. Remove the bedding, sheets and any layers like a mattress pad or protector. You can pop these into wash as normal.

Step 2: Soak up the stain

Blot away as much of the urine as you can with some clean towels. Gentle press where the stain is, lift and repeat. Using this method, instead of wiping or scrubbing, stops you from spreading the stain or pushing it further down into the fabric.

Step 3: Tackle the mess

Spray the affected area all over with an enzyme cleaner, like Bio One™,. Make sure the mattress is really damp with the solution and leave to soak for five to ten minutes. This should lift the stain and odour. Check after five minutes and repeat the process if you need to.

Step 4: Dry the mattress

After the stinky urine smell and any marks are gone, it’s time to dry. To avoid accidents or damage, we recommend using towels or airdrying (instead of hairdryers or fans).

How long does a mattress take to dry after bedwetting?

How long it takes to dry the mattress depends on how wet it is. Small accidents might take just a few hours. If the mattress is soaked, it could be more like a day or two. Try to create a relationship where your child doesn’t feel ashamed. That way, they’ll be confident enough to let you know straight away. If they feel comfortable telling you, you can strip the bedlinen and clean up the mess quickly to leave more time for drying.

How do you dry a mattress fast after bedwetting?

After you’ve completed the clean-up, blot the area with towels to soak up excess moisture. Next, open up any nearby windows. This will create a breeze and bring in sunlight to speed up the drying process. Plus the fresh air will help to banish any lingering smells. If you can, put the mattress somewhere safe and clean outside for a few hours.

What do you put on a mattress for bedwetting?

Waterproof mattress

If bedwetting is a regular issue, it might be a good idea to invest in a waterproof mattress. They’re a discreet option, especially once covered in a sheet, which shouldn’t distress or embarrass your little one. Created with water-resistant materials that protect against accidents, spills and stains – they should keep your tot as dry as possible.

Mattress protector

Instead of a waterproof mattress, you could use a protector. This topper covers the entire bed, protecting it against damage or mess. After accidents, you can easily remove and clean them. The waterproof material probably won’t feel like a typical bedsheet, so make sure your little one is comfortable with it first.

Bedwetting pads

These disposable pads are specifically designed for bedwetting. They’re waterproof, absorb liquid quickly and tend to use wicking fabric which draws moisture away from the body. This will stop your little one feeling uncomfortable or chafing if they have an accident in the night. You can easily replace them too.

What are enzymes?

Don’t be fooled to think that because enzymes are natural they are less effective than chemical cleaners. Enzymes are nature’s very own powerful cleaning tools. Making them the go to choice for parents who do not want to spray harmful chemicals around their children and their home.

Simply put, enzymes are all around us performing millions of important tasks in our bodies and in nature every single day. They are a type of protein that act like a biological catalyst to speed up the break down of organic compounds.

Similarly to how saliva, (which contains enzymes), initiates the digestion process by breaking down food in our mouths, cleaning enzymes use the same ‘enzymatic digestion’ to effectively break down and eradicate the organic proteins present in urine, faeces, vomit, drool, dirt, food, and more.

This process not only makes cleaning easier but also prevents the growth of bad bacteria – the root cause of those unpleasant odours – in the air, on surfaces, and within the fibres of your soft furnishings.

Try out Bio one today, vomit and the other nasties is what nature created enzymes for.

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