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Why Bio One: Bio Enzymes Are Better Than Air Fresheners

Keeping Your Car Smelling Fresh

If you have a car, chances are, you’ve got a routine for it. All proud motorists want to keep their four-wheeled pride and joy mobiles looking and smelling great – but sometimes, there are little accidents and occasional pongs that just prove too hard to shift.
Young boy leaning out of a car window, arm extended, enjoying the breeze while travelling on a scenic road.

It’s one big reason why so many motorists fall back on classic car air fresheners. Whether you hang up one of those iconic tree shapes or go for something a little fancier, the effect is always going to be the same – you’re plastering on an artificial scent that’s just going to age badly on the nose!

Take it from us – it’s better to use a car cleaning solution and odour remover – like Bio One – over sticking to the same old car fresheners. Let’s dig deep into why you need an enzymatic cleaner to change the way your car smells for the better.

Car air fresheners really don’t do much!

It’s true – while some fresheners give off a little bit of a sweet smell or a hint of something flowery for a week or two, they’re not actually as effective as the marketing will have you believe.

Picking up a cheap hanging freshener from the local garage is only going to make your car smell cheap itself – and if there’s anything nasty in your car that’s causing bad odours, you can believe that pine tree hanger isn’t even going to touch it.

Why? Because most car air fresheners just freshen up the air – they’re doing their job, to a degree – but when there’s a persistent pong that just won’t bid you adieu, you need something with a bit more kick.

And by that, we don’t mean adding more scent to your car! We mean looking for an odour absorber that actually targets the causes of bad smells and removes them at the source. Enter Bio One.

Banish car dirt and smells for good with enzymatic cleaners

We’ve developed Bio One cleaners not only to remove nuisance dirt and muck naturally, but also to eliminate any nasty, lingering smells that certain accidents leave behind.

Think about what goes on in your car from week to week. If you’ve got kids, for example, you’re at risk of all kinds of sticky and unsightly messes – it comes with the territory! And then, there’s pets – who, bless them, can get more than a bit mucky and whiffy when given half a chance!

Messes in your car from food, spilt drink, cigarettes, sickness, urine, fur, and whatever the pets drag in – all can leave lingering odours that your pine freshener really won’t touch.

With an enzymatic cleaner in Bio One, however, you can simply spray the inside of your car and leave our microscopic marvels to munch away and get rid of those pernicious pongs.

Not only is our Bio One range formulated to clean up and freshen up your home, but it’s also gently formulated to help make light work of car interiors, too. That means you can, thankfully, say goodbye to having to scrub down deep and hang up cheap fresheners week after week.

There’s natural science in the sprays

Bio One cleaners are completely free from chemicals and toxins, meaning what you spray into and across your car is just what you’ll find in nature – that is, enzymes!

When activated with a little tap water, millions of Bio One enzymes spring to life and start munching away at any organic messes you spray them onto. They’ll continue multiplying and digesting the dirt and detritus until there’s nothing left – meaning the best thing you can really do is just spray and leave overnight.

In some cases, such as with particularly stubborn or ground-in staining on fabric, you might need to give it a little wipe into the fibres. However, whether you act reasonably swiftly after an accident – or, you’ve been smelling the same nasty odours for days on end – Bio One’s enzymes will get to work and eat through anything it can find that’s making those pongs.

For family spills and accidents, there’s the Baby One, and for pets – you get the idea by now – there’s the Pet One.

By the time you step back into your car the morning after a liberal spray of Bio One, you’ll notice a fresher, more breathable atmosphere. The pong will be well on its way out of your car and, thankfully, out of your nostrils.

Time to throw those cheap air fresheners away, then!


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