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Puppy training made easy

Pee, poop & pups

Our paw’some pups can in time, become our lifelong companion. Spellbound by their puppy dog eyes, loving licks and sofa snuggles we fall for our furry friends. However, not so much for their toilet mannerisms!
Adorable puppy sitting on a clean floor, ready for training with a calm expression.

When we first bring our pups home it can be chaos training them. Although we can encourage them to use the tactically positioned puppy pads our four-legged friends can sometimes still miss the glaring hints. Their explorative minds being elsewhere!

Unfortunately, sometimes when an ‘oops’ moment occurs, our pups can get used to returning to soil in the same place. No matter how much we think we have cleansed the area, the puppy will still be able to detect the smell of their faeces, urine and ammonia because their toilet matter contains an enzyme which powerfully marks the spot. Bio one™ Pet Odour Remover + Refresher does exactly what it says on the bottle. This product does not attempt to feebly mask the soil but rather targets the soil and breaks down the biological components of the accident. This unique spray eliminates pongs and harmful bacteria, totally diverting your puppy off the scent! Once more, the spray is non-hazardous, so your intrigued pup won’t be able to ingest any nasties.

For best results, wipe down the bulk of the soiled area first before spraying. Once sprayed leave the powerful enzymes to get to action for five to ten minutes and then agitate. All that should be in place of the once soiled spot, should be an aromatic haze of lemon and orange with neroli flower.

Be smug in the knowledge that you can have it all, pride in your home and pride in your pup.


  • Train your pup to go on command. Take your pup on a lead to the area you want it to use and say the cue word. Keep your dog at the spot until it goes, then offer a reward. Only reward your pup when it goes in your desired place
  • Keep the puppy on a regular feeding schedule and take away their food between meals
  • Take your pup to use the loo first thing and then once every half hour/to an hour so they can get used to a routine
  • Always take your pup outside after meals or when they first wake up from a nap.

What are enzymes?

Don’t be fooled to think that because enzymes are natural they are less effective than chemical cleaners. Enzymes are nature’s very own powerful cleaning tools. Making them the go to choice for Pet Owners who do not want to spray harmful chemicals around their pets and their home.

Simply put, enzymes are all around us performing millions of important tasks in our bodies and in nature every single day. They are a type of protein that act like a biological catalyst to speed up the break down of organic compounds.

Similarly to how saliva, (which contains enzymes), initiates the digestion process by breaking down food in our mouths, cleaning enzymes use the same ‘enzymatic digestion’ to effectively break down and eradicate the organic proteins present in urine, faeces, vomit, drool, dirt, food, and more.

This process not only makes cleaning easier but also prevents the growth of bad bacteria – the root cause of those unpleasant odours – in the air, on surfaces, and within the fibres of your soft furnishings.

Try out Bio one™ Pet Odour Remover + Refresher today, vomit and the other nasties is what nature created enzymes for.

Bio one eco cleaning, vegan, made in britain, eco friendly, child friendly, pet friendly, not tested on animals, toxin and chemical free, paraben free, endocrine distruptor free, made with happy enzymes

Bio one 100% natural enzyme pet odour remover and refresher bundle

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